The 10 Primal Laws to Getting a Guy in 10 days

The 10 Primal Laws to Getting a Guy in 10 days

1. Mysterious: The less defined you are, the more interesting you become. He will do his best to try and put you into a preconceived box, but if he can’t, it will keep him on edge, hungering and wondering what and where are your hot buttons. 

Action items you can do: Say little, be non-committal and non- declarative, if he sticks his stake in the sand, know where it is, nod, recognize it but don’t reveal your position.

2. Confidence: Men love quietly confident women, not narcissistic or smug, but comfortable in their skin and space. 

Action items you can do: Move with purpose. Don’t fidget, shake or be bombastic in movement. Face him, look him in the eyes when in conversation, but rely on the occasional chin diminution and downward gaze (it is physical sign of affection he will pick up on it subconsciously). Don’t talk incessantly, poorly of yourself or others.  

3. Don’t give away the farm: Lead with your best assets, but just enough to pique interest. Make his imagination run wild,  but do it with style and elegance. And if you want to develop a meaningful relationship, harness your horses until the timing is right. 

Action items you can do: Wear clothing and adornments that highlight, but don't broadcast.  Gently and briefly touch his hand, chest or leg, but don’t leave it there. End the night earlier than both you want.

4. Authentic: You have to be yourself, regardless of all else. Any hint of phoniness will sabotage any respect he has for you or you have for yourself. 

Action items you can do: Don’t lie, wear clothing that isn’t your style or try to adopt the behaviors of someone else.

 5. Make small gestures: Men want to feel appreciated for their chivalry. Thank him if he shows gentlemanly behavior and, in kind, return the favor with a small generosity. 

Action items you can do: Perhaps get him a drink if you are going to the bar,  ask him if he would like first selection off the appetizer plate, or offer to leave the tip. He should decline but he will never forget the offer made.

 6. Let him be the man: Men want to feel like a shining knight. Let him open the door for you, carry your bag, put his jacket over your shoulder, choose the restaurant and order for the both of you. 

Action items you can do: Don’t boss him around, tell him where to go or what to do. Pause, be patient, and put yourself in a position that allows him to act as Lancelot.

 7. Get him talking: Most people love to talk, regardless of gender, background or creed. The irony is that the more they talk the more they like you. 

Action items you can do: Ask a lot of questions, go two or three deep on a thread of inquiry until he reveals his passion. He will love if you have enthusiasm for his passion and will go giddy if you exhibit an interest to experience his passion with him.

 8. Mirror his cadence: It is human nature to prefer others with whom we share a similar rhythm. 

Action items you can do: Talk and move in a manner similar to his temperament, style and speed. Soon you will find yourself in a conversational dance that flows effortlessly.

 9. Befriend his family: If you meet his family or close friends, go out of your way to show endearment. Everyone wants their romantic interest to love those they love. And his close ones will soon be in his ear talking about you. If you want to further the relationship, you will need them on your side. 

Action items you can do: Initiate and engage in authentic conversation with his family or friends. Repeat in your head 3 times their names so you memorize them -- write them down if you have to. Keep notes of their interest and ask them about it when you see them next. Bring a small gift if invited to their home.

 10. Use cosmetics that amplify: From quality skin care to make up and aesthetic treatments, use cosmetic enhancements that naturally support your appearance, but keep it natural. Most importantly focus on being comfortable in your naked skin. And that usually begins by feeding your emotional organ, your skin. Consider starting with the world’s first Moodceutical, XOMD, a topical Skincare and MoodCare line that has proven in rigorous clinical trials to produce radiant dewy skin, boost confidence and improve first impressions!  Others will find you more attractive, youthful and successful without the need for all the glam. It also may make you more attracted to masculine- appearing men. 

Action Items you can do: Seek out advice from credentialed, trusted and experienced aesthetic professionals. Consider starting with your skin. Experience XOMD’s Detox cleanser, Intoxicate serum and Arouse moisturizer. Apply the regimen twice a day and in just four weeks start enjoying the glowing skin, heightened self-esteem, and pro-social benefits. Welcome to being the best representation of yourself.

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