Unveiling Our True Selves: A Journey Beyond Layers

Unveiling Our True Selves: A Journey Beyond Layers

Unveiling Our True Selves: A Journey Beyond Layers

Written by XOMD™ Co-Founder, Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon and NY Times Bestselling Author Steven Dayan, MD

Layers protect a soft, vulnerable core, much like an artichoke. Its tough exterior shields what lies within, making it hard for outsiders at first to know the beautiful and savory inner heart. But after you take the time and effort to peel back the shelled outer layers you are rewarded with a soft gentle inner surprise that far exceeds your expectations.  Getting past the layers doesn’t come easy or without effort but once you're in you will realize why it was so worth it. 

Dr. Dayan has always jokingly called Dr. Fabi an artichoke, so many layers to uncover, and himself, a simple apple, “what you see is what you get.” 

The past few years pushed all of us further into our protective shells. In a dark Covid period, we connected virtually but realized something was missing. Humans are social beings, we thrive together. 

Now, a generation is starving for real connection, and it’s time to step back into the world with confidence.

Skincare needs to go beyond beauty enhancement. It should facilitate personal engagement, helping us reconnect. You ask if aesthetic treatments can do this? Yes! XOMD is the first topical skincare line designed and proven to increase confidence, enhance appearances, and even strengthen romantic relationships.

Like peeling back the layers of an artichoke, true beauty isn’t just about how we look, it’s about the way we feel and the connections we make. 

The future of aesthetics is not just improving collagen, elastin, and skin tone, but also stimulating and enriching our social interactions.

As we return to an era of reacquainting, looking beautiful is great, but feeling beautiful while connecting with others is even better. Start with your hearts and xomdskin.com #artichokeday

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